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Created 16-Sep-08
Modified 28-Sep-08
Visitors 3539
91 photos
Here are the images by land; pictures of Kemah, Clear Lake Shores, Seabrook, and San Leon.
Gas Station on FM 518 in League CityBillboard on FM 518 in League CityFM 2094 in Kemah, Texas.FM 2094FM 2094FM 2094, in front of Target & Home Depot, Kemah TXFM 2094FM 2094Fm 2094Looking toward Hoagie RanchLooking down Hwy 146 toward the Kemah bridgeFM 2094 in Kemah TexasNot sure why this guy is riding his bike down this road??????Kemah, TexasT-Bone Tom'sT-Bone Tom'sPalapa's bar in Kemah